Finally, the training program you’ve been waiting for.

The convenience of an online training program, combined with the gold standard of hands-on practice. Now available to Higher Standards Caregiver Training clients in Dallas, TX.

How does hands-on training work?

  1. Choose a training topic, then schedule a convenient appointment in our Dallas training center.

  2. Caregivers review online materials on their own or in our center, then get hands-on training with an occupational therapist.

  3. Caregivers receive a shareable training certificate.

Ways To Get Hands-On


  • All of our training is provided by occupational therapy professionals. This ensures your caregivers receive the gold standard in care training.

  • No. Higher Standards Caregiver Training believes that our customers should stay with us because they are happy. Not because they are locked into a long term contract.

  • Caregivers receive multiple e-mail and text confirmations and reminders. These include the training center address, parking instructions, and even building pictures to help make finding the center easy.

  • Yes. Higher Standards Caregiver Training will travel to your agency for group training sessions. Please reach out to to discuss your needs.

  • Higher Standards Caregiver Training has plans to expand our training centers in order to make hands-on training accessible to everyone. In the meantime, members outside of Dallas can choose from the excellent live virtual training options we’ve become known for.

  • Yes! We recommend that family caregivers book a single session for the topic of your choosing. If you’re not sure what you need, or want more guidance, give us a call at 469-998-1245 or send an e-mail to